3 Bergenfield Franklin
Viewed: 1348 times.
5a Carol & Ron
Viewed: 1208 times.
6 Washington School
Viewed: 1288 times.
8 class picture Harding
Viewed: 1330 times.
10 Harding 6th Grade - Halloween
Viewed: 1212 times.
10a Franklin School
Viewed: 1232 times.
10b 1954
Viewed: 1254 times.
11 Washington school sixth grade baseball team, taken in 1950. The teacher to the left is Rocco Montesano (deceased), and to the right is C. Donald Jess, who went on to become superentendent of schools. Mr. Jess died in 2004.
I am just in front of Montesano in the stupid cap!
Viewed: 1396 times.
11a St. John
Viewed: 1185 times.
12 Bergenfiel Franklin
Viewed: 1188 times.
19 Girls club
Viewed: 1292 times.
20 Gordon and me
Viewed: 1190 times.
22 jim pete bob
Viewed: 1324 times.