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6 top-level albums (14 total), 186 images
Hoover School
Created on 07/24/20, last changed on 08/21/20. This album contains 14 items.
This album has been viewed 962 times since 07/24/20.
Hoover School class of 1972 (5325 views)
Hoover future class of 1964 (1262 views)
Franklin School class of 1971
Photos by Eric Newman in memory of David Newman.
Created on 03/11/20, last changed on 03/11/20. This album contains 2 items.
This album has been viewed 922 times since 03/11/20.
Lincoln School Photos
Last changed on 03/04/11. This album contains 4 items.
This album has been viewed 3912 times since 01/20/11.
Future Class of 1959 (2788 views)
future class of 1976 (3423 views)
Washington Elememtary Albums
Last changed on 03/04/11. This album contains 8 items.
This album has been viewed 5849 times since 12/04/08.
Future class of 1988 (4173 views)
Future class of 1965 (5602 views)
Future class of 1962 (4271 views)
Future class of 1972 (3097 views)
Jefferson School
Last changed on 05/26/14. This album contains 131 items.
This album has been viewed 31731 times since 04/28/08.
Franklin school - Mrs. Rose Tartini 3rd & 4th Grade
Photos scanned by Michael Tartini.
Created on 10/20/13, last changed on 12/18/13. This album contains 27 items.
This album has been viewed 8652 times since 10/20/13.
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